
Alicia Tingzon

Human Biomechanics Specialist Level 2

From a young age, I have struggled with confidence and emotional balance. I’ve experienced adverse side effects of anti-depressants, spent countless hours hitting walls in therapy, and I lost potentially life-changing opportunities because I could not assert past my self doubt.

I also come from a decade in the IT Industry. Working in offices under artificial light and in front of blue lit screens all day made me feel physically ill; I practically ran on coffee, then coped with alcohol each weekend. My financial goals were being attained, however, at the cost of my mental fortitude.

​I felt like a hamster in a wheel. Shooting in the dark, I turned to yoga and rock climbing, which provided temporary relief to cope with my traumas. However, being hyper flexible and having a poor posture were only exasperated by these activities, and I found myself becoming more prone to injury. Eventually, I incurred a rotator cuff injury and developed further imbalances in my hips.

​It became clear to me that I needed to make a drastic change if I wanted to improve my quality life and sustain my abilities into old age. I found that many of my mental health issues have attributed to the lack of muscular connections. Functional Patterns respects human biology, laying the foundation and rising the bar for quality movement.

​Functional Patterns offered me an entire tool kit to hold myself accountable and problem solve my own issues, safely and holistically. I’ve gained new awareness in my body, decreased my anxiety, and am more coordinated than I have ever been; Which has lead to a significant decrease in injury and more pain-free days in my body.

​The principles of Functional Patterns helped me target self-destructing behaviors as well, and now I orient myself around what will bring me regeneration.

​I am more physically capable and connected to nature now then I had ever been in my entire life, and it is something I wish to share with anyone else who has felt like all they can do is chase the weekend; Or maybe you feel like you’re mostly in survival mode, pursuing escapism in between bouts of distress. I’m looking forward to helping you achieve a higher presence in your body and take control of your life!